Mike's Sewing Machine Repairs

Pinterest Lesson

Beginner Computer Lessons

Looking for beginner computer lessons?

We offer friendly and encouraging private computer lessons for beginners and advanced users. It doesn’t matter if you need help doing the very basics to get comfortable using your computer on your own, or would like to learn all of the ins-and-outs of complex software including digitizing programs, Penny can help you. Book a one-on-one 1-hour class with Penny, in our bright and friendly store in Morayfield. You’ll need your laptop, a mouse and a USB stick. Bring a little note book and Penny will take notes for you throughout your lesson, so you can concentrate on what you are learning. You can also use your phone to video the lesson to watch again later.

Topics that Penny can help you with are:

Private lessons with Penny are $55 for 1 hour in our Morayfield Store. Lesson times are available right through the week and on Saturdays.

Looking for help for more advanced programs?

Penny also teaches private one-on-one 1-hour lessons on just about any mainstream program such as:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Facebook Business Page management
  • WordPress website management
  • Shopify online store management

These 1-hour lessons are $65 each

To find out more, or to book a date and time, you can Contact US HERE, or give Penny a call: 5359 7177